Make a bacon lettuce and pop it in the oven at 400°.
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
When the timer goes off, grab another sheet pan and unroll a tube of Pillsbury crescent roll dough on it. I decided to top mine with some shredded cheese and slide that into the oven also.
Set the timer for 10 minutes, again.
When that timer goes off, set the timer for another 10 minutes and Fry up as many eggs as you'd like.
When the next timer goes off, crack as many eggs as you'd like and fry them in a pan. I also tossed mine in the oven to get the top liquidification solidified.
Just the last couple minutes left on the timer, when I stuck the eggs in the oven.
When the timer goes off it's time to start constructing your sandwich.
Cutting it in half makes it the same size as the egg and bacon lettuce.
Slide the egg right out of the pan or in my case, because I didn't use butter, it kind of fell apart. I decided to top it with a little bit of spicy mayonnaise.
Due to the volume of bacon I was about to apply I decided I needed a little bit of green to make it more healthy. Yes, I know that's not how it works but mentally it felt much healthier 😜
The bacon was not as crisp as I wanted it to be I could have easily done the first timer for 20 minutes. so the bacon wasn't firm enough to hold its lattice entirely but it did still maintain the majority of its structural integrity.
The final product, a ridiculously unhealthy bacon egg and cheese sandwich with croissant dough and some lettuce.
Protip, definitely cook the bacon for 20 minutes before proceeding to step two.
This monster of a sandwich could be cut into quarters and still be more than any one person should consume.
This is probably one of the longest cooking periods, for something as simple as a breakfast sandwich.
I also don't believe the juice was worth the squeeze. Perhaps next time, I'll try doing this in a waffle iron. I may also just pan fry the bacon, while the dough is in the oven. Then, while the bacon is cooling use the bacon grease left over in the pan to fry some eggs.
Definitely overcomplicated, but, my home smells amazing and the sandwich was equally amazing. Would I do it again? No....
Was it a "fun" breakfast sandwich?